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Item # 21, Coveralls Advantage I

List Price QUOTE-en

Polypropylene, is the preferred material for non-hazardous work environments where a cost effective disposable garment is needed. This light-weight, breathable fabric is made of 100% spunbound filament. Polypropylene is durable and low lint. This versatile fabric is converted into coveralls, lab coats, and isolation gowns. Polypropylene offers cool, comfortable protection. Lightweight yet durable, polypropylene is ideal for food manufacturing, light industrial, medical, and similar industries where a low particulate barrier garment is necessary. The material will not flare, but will melt if exposed to direct high heat or flame. Mildew resistant, non-allergic, and disposable.

Sizes from SM-XL (call for pricing on larger sizes up to 5XL)

Select size and color on order form

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